Mayor Von Frinzius by Roberto Bartolini

This work by Roberto Bartolini is important because it tells us what happens behind the scenes of a 'special' theatre company.

Mayor Von Frinzius represents inclusion, energy, and change. The theatre company, led by Lamberto Giannini, Rachele Casali, and Silvia Angiolini, has a twenty-five-year history, originating from an idea that became a reality. The company includes around 60 actors, half of whom have disabilities.

In 1997, psychologist and psychotherapist Pier Giorgio Curti suggested that Giannini lead a theatre workshop within the Anfass association. Initially, Giannini held the dual role of actor and director. Since 2002, internal theatre workshops have been supplemented by external lessons and workshops open to disabled individuals from other associations in the Livorno area. A significant turning point occurred in 2006 when the company established important collaborations with local authorities and, most notably, the Carlo Goldoni Theater in Livorno.

This collaboration continues today, and the theatre company is the only stable company in the theatre. They have participated in various theatre festivals, winning numerous awards and showcasing their performances across Italy. Their new show is currently in preparation and will be staged at the Goldoni Theatre in Livorno at the end of May 2024. It is an extraordinary endeavour driven by great passion.

The director's seamless teamwork with collaborators and all actors in the company demonstrates a strong emotional bond and harmony.

Lamberto Giannini stated, "Staging the drama of disability by making it grotesque, ironic, transforming what is a dimension of institutional death into life: this is our great challenge."

The company's ethos is encapsulated in Giannini's words, "Here there are no disabled people and no disabled people. There are just actors here."


Richard Sandler – My work was more than just street photography, it was a cultural critique.


Life Along the River by Shubhodeep Roy